Sunday, January 8, 2012

Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago.

We've all heard of Mardi Gras which takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. But few of us are familiar with Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago. Carnival is the most significant cultural and touristic event in this beautiful Caribbean nation. There are many competitions such as musical competitions, costume contests, limbo, and stick fighting, all leading up to the Street Parade held on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
Calypso music competitions and costume contests are the highlight of pre-parade activities. The winners of these competitions often receive some prestigious titles. Calypso Monarch is the greatest honor of Carnival. The winner receives a huge trophy, a car worth up to 2,000,000 Trinidadian dollars (314,960 USD), possible endorsements and other contracts. Also crowned are King and Queen of the Bands.
Many strange He and unusual characters are to be found at Carnival. Four of them include:
  1. Pierot Grenade- He gives talks on issues of the day, speaking completely in rhyme.
  2. Minstrels- Wandering musicians called "Minstrels". Who wear white face paint.
  3. Midnight Robber- A character whose grandiose bragging known as "robber talk" that has evolved from traditional African storytellers called " The Griot."
  4. Jab Jab- French Patois (a language common to Jamaica) for devil. His costume is one of short pants or cut-offs, mask, and horns . He sometimes carries a pitchfork and he always paints his body in red, white, or green.  He is bound in chains carried by imps who make music on pans and tins. The imps try to "restrain" him as he dances and gyrates to the music.
All the above and more can be found at Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival. So, next time you want to experience the Caribbeans next big pre-lent party, hop a plane down to Trinidad and Tobago!


  1. Jackie,
    This is a great first blog. I hope you enjoy doing these throughout the course

  2. Looks fun to be over there and I'm sure it would be an amazing experience

  3. I really enjoyed you power point on Trinidad and Tobago, I look forward to learning more about your country.

  4. Great blog about Trinidad and Tobago. Can’t wait to read more.

  5. Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival seems very interesting. It would be neat to witness this one day!

  6. This sounds really fun! I'd love to experience this.

  7. This sounds RIGHT up my alley, I would have a blast!
